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Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention - безвозмездно слушать песню 10 - Flower Punk или скачать в mp3

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Добавлен: 2015-08-24

Песня называется: 10 - Flower Punk

Автор: Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention

Время mp3: 03:03

Всего просмотров: 794

Оценка: 0


Другая музыка автора Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention

Текст произведения:

Hey punk, where you goin with that Flower in your hand? Hey punk, where you goin with that Flower in your hand? Well, Im goin up to frisco to join a Psychedelic band. Im goin up to frisco to join a Psychedelic band. Hey punk, where you goin with that Button on your shirt? Hey punk, where you goin with that Button on your shirt? Im goin to the love-in to sit & play My bongos in the dirt. Yes, Im goin to the love-in to sit & play My bongos in the dirt. Hey punk, where you goin with that Hair on your head? Hey punk, where you goin with that Hair on your head? Im goin to the dance to get some action, Then Im goin home to bed. Im goin to the dance to get some action, Then Im goin home to bed. Hey punk, where you goin with those Beads around your neck? Hey punk, where you goin with those Beads around your neck? Im goin to the shrink so he can help me Be a nervous wreck... (just at this moment, the 2700 Microgram dose of stp ingested by Flower punk shortly before the Song began takes effect: before Your very ears his head blows up... Leaving a bizarre audial residue all over Your teen-age record player!) Hey punk! hey punk! hey punk! Punky! punk! hey punk! punky! Come and go...come and go... Polly, do I ever have a lot of soul? I think I love you! Questi dominga? Have you seen that nose eating? I wanna know for sure! Leave my nose alone please! What re you trying to do? Listen! ... This is one of the most Exciting things thats ever Happened to me You know, every time I think About how lucky I am to be in The rock & roll industry Its so exciting You know, when I first got into The rock & roll business I could barely even play the Changes to this song on my, on My guitar But now Im very professional I can play the guitar I can strum it rhythmically I can sing along with my guitar As I strum I can strum, sing, dance, I can make merry fun all over The stage And you know, its so wonderful To... Its wonderful to feel that im Doing something for the kids Because I know that the kids And their music are where its At The youth of america today is So wonderful And Im proud to be a part of This gigantic mass deception I hope she sees me thrilling, Yes... I hope she sees me dancing and Thrilling I will say: "hello dolly!" Is the song over? Boy, this is really exciting, Making a rock & roll record I cant even wait until our Record comes out and teen-agers Start to buy it Well all be rich and famous! And when my royalty check comes I think Im going to buy a Mustang No, I think ill...i think ill Get a corvette No, I think Ill get a harley Davidson No, I dont think Ill buy any Of those cars I think what I will do is i Will buy both No, I dont do that either I think, ah, Ill go into real Estate I think Id like to... I think Id like to buy a house In ... boulevard No, that wouldnt do any good Gee, I wonder if they can see Me up here, twirling that Tambourine and dancing... Maybe after the show One of the girls who sees me up Here, singing and thrilling my Tambourine and dancing, will Like me And she will come over to me And I will walk I will walk up to her and i Will smile at her And I will impress her and i Will say: "hello, baby, Whats a girl like you doing in A place like this? Im from a rock & roll band, I think we should..." Is the song over?


Frank Zappa - Flower Punk


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